But First, Hartford’s Best Coffee Shops
Ahhh, there’s nothing better than local coffee shops filled with tranquil people, comfortable chairs, and a playlist filled with songs you’ve never heard before, but are really diggin. Local coffee shops not only have some of the highest quality of artisan coffee, but their staff always seem to have the most friendly and enthusiastic personalities. Maybe it’s because they get free access to their coffee stash and are always hyped up on caffeine.
Based on some (delicious) research, we came up with the top three coffee shops in the Hartford area that you have to visit.
Sarah’s Coffee House
257 Asylum St, Hartford, CT
Hours: 7am-10pm
Sarah’s is the best little corner spot. Whether you’re grabbing a coffee solo or are coming to hang out with a couple of friends, there’s plenty of seating options – each where you feel like you’re not surrounded by a mass amount of caffeine thirsty people.
What makes this place really unique is that you can order from a variety of french presses for your table, open up your laptop and relax in your seat as the coffee steeps. Also, their fresh baked muffins make the perfect compliment to your fresh pressed coffee.
Need more of a reason to visit? Sarah’s Coffee House sources their coffee beans directly from small coffee farmers to ensure that fair practices are being used and that you are getting the highest quality product. And believe us, you are.
Blue State Coffee
777 Main St, Hartford, CT
Hours: 7am – 8pm
As soon as you walk into Blue State Coffee in downtown Hartford, your focus immediately goes to this coffee contraption that looks like it’s something out of a mad scientists basement. Like, “is that what my coffee came from or is it just for show?” Who knows, either way, their coffee is amazing. If you’re looking for a bite to eat, they also offer a range of yummy salads and sandwiches.
The best part about this cafe is that by purchasing a beverage or food item, you’re helping a greater cause. How? Blue State Coffee donates part of its sales to local and nonprofit organizations. Talk about a feel good company.
J.Rene Coffee Roasters, LLC
320 Park Rd, West Hartford, CT
Hours: 7AM-6PM
J. Rene Coffee Roasters is a cute little cafe on Park Street in West Hartford. From their eclectic lighting to their exposed brick, the interior of this place is not what you’d expect from just driving by. Yet, it’s no coincidence – J.Rene Coffee Roasters prides itself as being a coffee shop with a “Third Space” venue. Meaning, their goal is to create a place that’s unlike the two usual social environments that everyone experiences day in and day out (your office and home).
“Our core belief is that coffee has the ability to serve as a social bridge that fosters creative, cultural and community development.”
As soon as you walk into this cafe you’re wafted with a smell of dark roasted coffee, warming your heart (and mind). Their coffee is delectably rich and words can not espresso how good their lattes are (sorry, we had to). Also, if you’re lucky enough .. you may just walk in when they’re roasting their coffee beans.
… if only you could smell this gif.