New Axe Throwing Business Pine & Iron Opens in Hartford
Move over darts and bowling because axe throwing is about to be your favorite new (and exhilarating!) weekend activity with Pine & Iron bringing a sharp new edge to Hartford.
What once was an activity best suited for backyard BBQ’s has quickly gained mainstream popularity throughout the U.S, most recently making its mark on the creative Parkville neighborhood community.
Located only a few doors down from Hog River Brewing Co., Pine & Iron shares the same building as many innovative Hartford-based businesses and apartment lofts.
“Right now, Hartford has so many options for dining and recreation. What we are bringing is something fresh and social that most people haven’t experienced; the pure joy of unleashing an axe at a wooden target.”
Becoming Hartford’s New Bullseye
Walking into Pine & Iron, visitors are immediately greeted by the smell of fresh pine, eclectic industrial lighting, and welcoming staff; making the experience warm and inviting.
There is then the tantalizing sound of fresh blades in motion, as they barrel down their fenced-in lanes, splitting into wood targets and inciting cheers from enthusiastic participants and onlookers.
Before the anxiety even has a chance to set in about how the axe is going to make it’s way from your hands, into the middle of a bullseye (without it bouncing back into your body), the staff walk you to a lane and take you through a brief regarding foot and body placement, proper axe-throwing and score keeping.
Their expertise and willingness to answer any questions and worries about the sport really helps settle the nerves as you get ready to wrap your fingers around a knotty pine handle and fixate on the target in front of you.
While it’s completely natural to find yourself feeling mildly shaky at first, it’s surprising how natural, comfortable and even adrenaline-driven you soon become after taking some practice throws and “sticking the axe.”
And, this is exactly when the fun and badassery begin.
Sometimes your axe may miss the target completely and make its way into the wood siding panel. Sometimes it may bounce and fall right to the floor. And, sometimes it will hit right outside of the line. But, if you’re lucky, the blade will make its way into that glaring red bullseye and you’ll find yourself scoring a total of 5 points.
You have an hour session to get as many games in as possible; an average of about two rounds for four players. It is throughout this hour that you will find the staff coming to your lane to help give you pointers to improve your game.
Mastered the behind the head throw? Time to try throwing it one handed.
Not leading with your chest? Try switching up your foot placement.
Each lane hosts up to 4 people for $60 an hour. Or, join the community lane and throw with other participants for only $20.
The hour goes quick, and believe us, you’ll want to come back.
Pine & Iron has a lot of exciting plans for the future. Leagues, private parties, and corporate teambuilding sessions are all things that they’re working on and will be launching soon. Be sure to follow them on Instagram or their website, as they have several events lined up for the summer!
Pine & Iron is located at 1429 Park Street, Hartford CT 06106